You can find confidence and joy in motherhood.

Therapy for postpartum women in Maryland.


Are you feeling anxious, overwhelmed and/or depressed trying to figure out breast/bottle feeding, your own bodily and hormone changes, learning to soothe a fussy baby while sleep deprived? Maybe you are blaming yourself or being self critical. You may be feeling that the decisions you make now are critical and it leaves you stuck. Or feeling so much pressure to do it all well. Perhaps you are feeling guilty about not liking how hard this is.

Whatever you are experiencing in the postpartum time, you are seeing there is an impact of this in your life:

  • Struggling to get enough sleep or eating properly

  • Wondering who you are now that you are mom

  • Fighting with or feeling resentful of your partner

  • Difficulty leaving the house concerned about health and safety of the baby leading to isolation

 You are not alone. 1 in 7 new moms experience postpartum struggles.

Motherhood doesn’t have to feel this way.

I will help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to Postpartum Therapy comes from a place of hope: believing you can gain a sense of your footing and confidence during this postpartum time. Believing that it is simply a very difficult time, tested by a lack of sleep, a steep learning curve, and hormonal changes. We will work to find your new normal. The benefits of virtual therapy is that during this time, while often tired and sleep deprived, it is easier to get online for a therapy session rather than pack for a car ride to the office. Babies are welcome and encouraged! Come just as you are and we will discuss:

  • How you are feeling and that you will feel better again

  • How to relieve anxiety and/or depression

  • Address concerns about bonding

  • Reminding you that your baby is well cared for by you and others

  • Staying in the present moment rather than worrying about what the future holds for your baby

Postpartum Therapy can help you…

  • Find your inner wisdom to guide you through decisions

  • Learn what babies truly need (and what they don’t)

  • Find your new normal and identity now that you are a mom

  • Develop skills and strategies for depression, anxiety or scary unwanted thoughts

  • Discover how to be a mother with realistic expectations of yourself

  • Accept all of your feelings about becoming a parent

Frequently asked questions about postpartum therapy.


  • In the beginning, we will meet weekly, online. Your baby is welcome and encouraged - there are many ways to navigate the therapy session with your baby there! During the first session, I listen and ask questions while you share what specifically, is bringing you here today. From there, we identify what changes or shifts you want to see as a result of coming to therapy and that will be our guidepost throughout therapy. During our sessions, I will look for patterns in how you think and respond and invite you to consider other ways of looking at it. Sometimes, relevant issues from the past are revealed and we explore how to forge a new path for yourself and your parenting. I have a sense of humor which can be helpful with such heavy stuff. When clients feel better, they start going bi weekly, then monthly and then reach out as needed.

  • Postpartum depression or anxiety is distinct from the “baby blues”. The baby blues are the first 2 weeks after the baby is born, in which emotions and sadness can be intense, but usually resolves on it’s own after hormones settle down a little and people find a system that works sometimes. After this 2 weeks period, 15-20% of new moms experience depression, anxiety, OCD or other mood changes that cause them much distress. These symptoms can appears anytime in the first year postpartum. It is very treatable and you are not alone.

  • Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. During our time together, we will discuss what has brought you here and how I can help. I will answer your questions and describe my approach to your therapy. If it seems like a good fit, I’ll be happy to schedule your first session.


 You can find joy in motherhood. And I can help you get there.

Schedule Free Consultation